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Distressed Industrial

FontBook Editorial
Last edited August 02, 2014
Whatever you are, be a good one

Yanek Iontef loves the printing on cardboard packaging. For years, he collected empty cardboard boxes that once carried imported goods. His studio soon looked like a warehouse. To regain ground, he began transforming the visual language of the boxes into a font with universal appeal. Then, he donated the whole of his cardboard collection to a local recycling facility. There are two FF... Read More

Don’t drink a car under alcohol

Just as popular as the digital typewriter face FF Trixie are those in the FF Instant Types series: FF Confidential, FF Dynamoe, FF Flightcase, FF Karton, and FF Stamp Gothic. Named after the places each comes from, these fonts feature familiar character sets from everyday letters and figures all around us: packaging, flight cases, children’s stamp boxes, Dymo tape labelers. We see them every... Read More

Houston, we have a problem

Just as popular as the digital typewriter face FF Trixie are those in the FF Instant Types series: FF Confidential, FF Dynamoe, FF Flightcase, FF Karton, and FF Stamp Gothic. Named after the places each comes from, these fonts feature familiar character sets from everyday letters and figures all around us: packaging, flight cases, children’s stamp boxes, Dymo tape labelers. We see them every... Read More

Caution to download the steps

Just as popular as the digital typewriter face FF Trixie are those in the FF Instant Types series: FF Confidential, FF Dynamoe, FF Flightcase, FF Karton, and FF Stamp Gothic. Named after the places each comes from, these fonts feature familiar character sets from everyday letters and figures all around us: packaging, flight cases, children’s stamp boxes, Dymo tape labelers. We see them every... Read More

Yanek Iontef
FontFont 2003
Just van Rossum
FontFont 1992
Eduardo Manso
Bitstream 1997
Just van Rossum
FontFont 1992
Just van Rossum
FontFont 1992

Canada Type

Canada Type