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TDC2 2003 Award Winners | FontShop
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TDC2 2003 Award Winners

The Type Directors Club of New York awarded these typefaces a Certificate of Excellence in Type Design in its annual TDC2 competition.

Last edited December 08, 2014

These selections won the recognition of the jury at the annual type design competition organized by the Type Directors Club of New York, a non-profit professional organization dedicated to educating its international membership and the graphic arts community about type, type design, and its myriad of uses in the field of communications.

The contest was judged by Dave Farey, Jim Parkinson, Fiona Ross, and Ilene Strizver. James Montalbano chaired the jury.

This Fontlist shows all the winning designs that are offered through FontShop.

Hell: one way in and no way out

The Carlin Script family, inspired by the Carolingian minuscule alphabet (ca 800 A.D.), is one of the great new families available through Linotype's Library's Take Type 5 collection. Take a closer look at these beautiful characters; with them, one can create a different, more personal feeling than commonly comes from more available script and chancery fonts. Like a monk with his writing... Read More

Hell with the dog, beware of wife

Maclean's is a weekly Canadian newsmagazine with a broad editorial mission. A typical issue covers everything from violence on the other side of the globe to the largest pumpkin grown in a local county. In 2001, Maclean's invited Rod McDonald to become part of the design team to "renovate" the 96-year-old publication. The magazine wanted to offer its readers a typographic voice that was... Read More

Hot and spicy duck heart

ITC Tactile is a puzzle of subtle typographic contradictions. Capitals have traditional epigraphic proportions, but the lowercase has a uniform optical width. Light weights are stately and elegant, but bold designs are almost jolly. This paradoxical alphabet even combines two distinctively different serif designs.Designer Joe Stitzlein says, “I wanted to create a modern and dynamic serif face... Read More

Charles Gibbons and Mary Trafton
Bitstream 2001
Hans-Jürgen Ellenberger
Linotype 2002
Keith Philip
ITC 2002
Rod McDonald
Monotype 2003
Joseph Stitzlein
ITC 2003