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Droids | FontShop
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Noah Nazir
Last edited June 12, 2017
FF Droids Sans
FF Droids
Law prohibits underwater smoking

The FF Droids family is a series of display fonts drawn by Amsterdam-based designer Donald Beekman. They were first produced for a Dutch techno-disco group named Discodroids. The inspiration was electrical diagrams and computer circuit boards. Its sans version came in response to many requests from clients.

Please do not chase slapstick

The FF Droids family is a series of display fonts drawn by Amsterdam-based designer Donald Beekman. They were first produced for a Dutch techno-disco group named Discodroids. The inspiration was electrical diagrams and computer circuit boards. Its sans version came in response to many requests from clients.

Donald Beekman
FontFont 1999
Donald Beekman
FontFont 1999