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Editorial Beauties | FontShop
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Editorial Beauties

Fonts für Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - - Periodical and Newspaper Fonts - - Bild: Michael Reindl

Noah Nazir
Last edited August 31, 2018

Die Latte liegt hoch für Editorial-Fonts: die Schrif­ten müs­sen zusätz­lich zur Les­bar­keit der redak­tio­nel­len Texte eine zweite Dis­zi­plin beherr­schen: ein­präg­sam in Head­lines auf­trump­fen.

Platz ist immer knapp bemes­sen. Nur wenige Schrift-Familien erfül­len die hohen Anfor­de­run­gen des Editorial-Satzes. Sie schaf­fen Platz, sor­gen für Über­sicht, ver­lei­hen Cha­rak­ter und sind typo­gra­fi­sche Raumwunder. Dies ist meine Auswahl an Familien für den Satz von Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und Broschüren, die aus den hunderten von Schriften, die ich in den letzten Jahren beschrieben habe, herausragen.
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Fonts for newspapers and magazines have to jump across a high bar to serve today’s comlex editorial requirements: They have to be loud and charismatic for headlines and at the same time quiet and highly functional in long texts. They have to be readable and economic at the same time. Finaly, they have to convey a paper’s or magazine’s character without getting on their audience’s nerves.

Here are 25 contemporary versatile and well adjusted editorial families, that caught my attention within the last couple of years, when looking at new releases as well as classics.

Who loves me, loves my dog too

The Handel Gothic™ typeface has been a mainstay of graphic communication for over 40 years - all the while looking as current as tomorrow. Designed by Don Handel in the mid-1960s, and used in the 1973 United Airlines logo developed by Saul Bass, Handel Gothic was an instant success when released to the graphic design community. Its generous lowercase x-height, full-bodied counters and square... Read More

Please present your octopus

Schriftfamilien für den Satz von Zeitungen und Magazinen

No kicking of balls please

Tablet Gothic from Veronika Burian and José Scaglione of TypeTogether makes brilliant harmony of two disparate grotesque models in a healthy number of widths and weights. First created for setting titles in periodicals, the project grew to handle text setting quite well, with a comfortably loose fit in the regular weights. The overall tone stays friendly throughout, helped by the face’s active,... Read More

Don’t drink a car under alcohol

FF Tundra ist ein preisgekrönter Editorial-Font von Ludwig Übele – eine platz­spa­rende Serif­schrift mit mode­ra­ten Kon­tras­ten in der Strichstärke.

FF Tundra is a compact serif with stressed forms and softened contours. Its concept developed from an investigation into narrow... Read More

Donald Handel, Nadine Chahine and Rod McDonald
ITC 2010
Veronika Burian and José Scaglione
TypeTogether 2011
Veronika Burian and José Scaglione
TypeTogether 2011
Veronika Burian and José Scaglione
TypeTogether 2014
Eduardo Berliner
Nick Shinn
Shinntype 2013
Nicolien van der Keur
TypeTogether 2012
Veronika Burian and José Scaglione
TypeTogether 2012
Ludwig Übele
FontFont 2011
Jan Fromm
Jan Fromm 2012