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Faux Hebrew Fonts | FontShop
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Faux Hebrew Fonts

Stephen Coles
Last edited March 02, 2017
FF Bagel
Hebrew Latino

These fonts stylize the Latin alphabet in an attempt to emulate the flavor of the Hebrew alphabet. These options can be seen as insensitive stereotyping of other cultures, but if used with care there are scenarios where they can be appropriate.

Please carefully bang head

The “FF Levant” package is a collection of two typefaces: FF Bagel and FF Falafel. The designer, Per Jørgensen, said: “FF Falafel was the first FF Levant typeface to be designed. The idea came from watching Arabic lettering and seeing shapes that resembled Latin letters: Would it be possible to create an entire Latin alphabet by extracting shapes from Arabic? The design was done between... Read More

Per Baasch Jørgensen
FontFont 2002
Gert Wiescher
Wiescher Design 2005