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Essay Text & Carter Sans

May 14, 2014 by David Sudweeks

Today we look at the nice, natural relationship between Ellmer Stefan’s Essay Text and Matthew Carter’s eponymous Carter Sans, which was co-produced by Dan Reynolds. The thing I see most pronouncedly in Essay Text is a deliberate leaving in of the details — things that would be stripped or otherwise rationalized away. To make it clear that these small touches (such as its pointed curves or a seemingly misplaced heaviness in the tail of the y)  have a purpose, the same are emphasized to allow demonstration of the principle.

Together with Essay Text, I’ve paired Carter Sans. A sans it is, though its flared terminals land this also in the category of Glyphic, or Thorn Serif. (The term glyphic here makes reference to lapidary inscription.) Carter Sans has a hearty and uncomplicated feel to it. Seeing the two together was enough to convince me of their compatibility.

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